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MBA Ranking: Best MBA Programs, Top MBA Schools and College Rankings

Here is a list of the most highly ranked MBA schools as rated by Ulinks.com. Some factors that go into determining the best MBA schools include admission rate, average GMAT scores of admitted students and reputation of the school. The main reasons why most students want to attend a top MBA program are to improve their career opportunities, to learn new skills, to develop a professional network, to increase their earning potential, and/or to start their own business. Figure out which are your reasons before deciding which school is right for you.
  1. University of Pennsylvania
  2. Harvard Business School
  3. Stanford University
  4. Columbia Business School
  5. MIT Sloan School of Management
  6. University of Chicago
  7. New York University
  8. Dartmouth College
  9. Yale School of Management
  10. Duke University
  11. Northwestern University
  12. University of Michigan
  13. University of California - Berkeley
  14. University of Virginia
  15. University of California - Los Angeles


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