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Training Courses in Aromatherapy

If you want to practice aromatherapy and offer services to clients, you may need to attend aromatherapy school and get a certificate. Certification requirements vary significantly from state to state, and most institutions award students a diploma after the student completes all required courses. Students who cannot attend an aromatherapy school are able to get their certification online. Online programs give students more flexibility with their schedules and some allow students to work at their own pace.

What is Aromatherapy Training?

Aromatherapy training prepares students to become qualified in the administration and therapeutic use of essential oils. Courses help students learn about different types of oils, blending techniques and methods of application. Students learn how to use different types of oils to address certain health problems, illness and even disease. Some aromatherapy course programs focus only on organic and all-natural oils that offer several therapeutic and holistic benefits. Students also learn how to incorporate essential oils into different types of body care and skincare products.

Some schools also offer educational programs for students who want to sit for the aromatherapy practitioner exam offered by The Aromatherapy Registration Council. This non-profit registration body does not grant certification but passing the exam can offer some career advantages.

Students who are interested in obtaining an aromatherapy license need to contact their state's Department of Education to find out what their licensing and certification requirements are.

Types of Aromatherapy Courses

The type of course and training modules you complete will vary significantly by school and the type of certification program you are completing. Most schools and institutions that offer aromatherapy certification online and offline require students to complete the following types of courses:

  • History of Essential Oils
  • Safety and Contraindications in Aromatherapy
  • Quality of Oils
  • Blending Techniques
  • Methods of Absorption
  • Carrier Oils
  • Methods of Application
  • Consultation and Communication Training
  • Business Skills
  • Ethics
  • Basic Aroma Chemistry and Botany

Getting an Aromatherapy Education

Students interested in a career as an aromatherapist can choose from several schools and certification programs, as well as online programs that offer some schedule flexibility. Successful completion of an education program allows students to learn a number of specialized skills and gain advanced knowledge about aromatherapy, skincare, allergic reactions and also how the nervous and lymphatic systems react to certain scents. Some of the advanced skills and techniques that can supplement or complement a basic aromatherapy education include:

  • Pressure point therapy
  • Reflexology
  • Hot rock therapy and aromatherapy
  • Physical effects of scent therapy
  • General anatomy and physiology
  • Perfume making
  • Blending oils

Aromatherapy Certification Information

Students who are required to get their certification through their state or those who just want to hold a certificate must register directly through the Aromatherapy Registration Council. In order to receive their certification, students must complete at least 200 hours of aromatherapy training at an accredited school. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy is the accrediting agency for aromatherapists. Students who complete their training and pass the organization-sponsored qualifying exam can then get their official certification.

A school may also offer training courses that prepare students for the certification exam. Students can learn more about different school programs and education options by contacting the Alliance of International Aromatherapists or by researching information about aromatherapy certification through their state Department of Health and state Department of Education.

Career Options with an Aromatherapy Education

Individuals who earn their certification and complete the education requirements can pursue a variety of careers in the field of homeopathic medicine, physiology, psychology, nursing and even massage therapy. Many massage therapists incorporate aromatherapy techniques into their massage techniques, giving clients a chance to experience a whole new level of massage.

Some of the most common career options for aromatherapists include:

  • Clinical aromatherapist
  • Holistic retreat worker
  • Holistic aromatherapist
  • Day spa worker
  • Essential oil vendor
  • Perfume developer
  • Aromatherapy instructor
  • Essential oil trainer
  • Aromatherapy oils training manager

Individuals with a strong background may also choose to work for companies that sell all-natural and holistic skincare and body care products. They can use their knowledge of essential oils, carrier oils, basic aroma chemstiry and blending techniques to educate consumers about the benefits of aromatherapy and also to sell products that are made with aromatherapy oils.

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