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Tech Schools: Technical Training College and Education Institute Info

Many students choose to pursue technical training instead of attending a four-year college program immediately after high school graduation. A technical education can offer the benefits of an accelerated, two-year, or three-year program, which can then be transferred into university or college of choice after completion. Many technical colleges offer certificates and specializations in specific tech career fields. This allows students to gain hands-on experience and formal training in a tech school environment. After graduation, these students may choose to further their education with a Bachelors degree, Masters degree, or other formal education course of study.

What Is a Technical School?

Tech schools and technical colleges may offer one semester certificates, when you diplomas, associate degree programs, and a variety of transfer credit classes. Most tech schools and technical colleges are part of community-based college programs, and have lower educational requirements for admission than area colleges and universities. The most common fields of study at technical schools are areas in the applied sciences and certification in the service industry.

Graduates of technical schools, often pursue management careers in supervisory positions, but will have limited opportunities for advancement without furthering their education. Technical school programs that specialize in a hands-on industry, such as culinary, automotive, or nursing, offer varied opportunities for growth depending on skill level achieved a number of years worked with in a position.

How Technical Schools and Tech Colleges Differ from Regular Colleges and Schools

Technical schools and tech colleges differ substantially from regular colleges and schools. For many students, a technical school serves as the training grounds for a formal degree program. Enrolling in a technical college may involve taking classes that transfer directly into a long-term program. In other cases, technical training provides key skills and one-on-one instruction to develop specific talents and abilities. Many technical institutes and technical colleges offer innovative equipment, laboratories, and high-tech environments for concentrated learning. The opportunities for an internship, either during or after completing technical education, are also an attractive opportunity for those who attend a technical school.

 A few examples of common technical school training programs include:

  • Baking and Pastry Arts

  • Cosmetology Certification

  • Radiography Technology

  • Criminal Justice

  • Therapeutic Massage

  • Automotive Engineering

Typical Courses and Programs Offered with Technical Training

The typical courses and programs offered through technical training and technical institutes include:

  • Automotive
  • Business Programs
  • Computer and Information Technology
  • Cosmetology
  • Engineering Technology
  • Golf Course Management
  • Hospitality and Culinary Arts
  • Landscape Gardening
  • Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Social Services
  • Humanities
  • Fine Arts
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

Most of these technical training programs offer one year diplomas and two year associate degree programs, and in some cases these may transfer onward to a four year bachelors degree program. The choice and number of tech schools varies by region and state.

Choosing the Right Technical School

Choosing the right technical school involves understanding the programs available, learning about accreditation, and finding out it's a specific course programs and classes can transfer to the area universities for further study. Accrediting and state licensure agencies ensure that local and national standards are being met with any formal education program.

Choosing the right technical school will also involve understanding the requirements for admission. In most cases, a high school diploma or GED required, and prospective students can contact the school to ask about specific admission requirements. Some technical schools may offer retroactive credits for students who have experience with specific subjects, or work experience may be considered for additional credit. It is important for all students attending a tech school to learn about coursework transfer options, as well as distance education programs that allow them to take additional classes that are not offered on-campus.

Visiting the school for orientation is a good idea, as this gives students a chance to understand the general culture and technical school environment. In many cases a technical school is the right choice for students who are not ready for a formal university or college, and serves as a transition before attending a larger campus.

Another important area to consider when choosing a technical school is the price and cost of each course credits. While most technical schools offer financial aid, student loans, and even scholarships, it is essential to understand any personal financial contributions that may be required.

Enrollment and Admissions for Technical School or Technical Training

Enrollments at a technical school takes place on a semester by semester basis, and the majority of technical schools offer programs during a Spring, Summer, and Fall term. Technical colleges and technical institutes often require signing an enrollment contract, which outlines which program the student plans to pursue, and when they expect to complete their courses of study. It is important to review this contract, thoroughly before enrollment and admission, and this can serve as a guide for signing up in particular classes.

Pursuing a successful tech career as an attractive opportunity for many students who enroll at a technical school or technical training program.

A distance learning technical training program, or online education program, is another opportunity for students interested in a technical education. The most common areas of study with an online technical training program include:

  • Business Administration
  • Criminal Justice
  • Information Technology
  • Education
  • Nursing

Technical School Accreditation

Technical school accreditation varies from state to state and in most cases, the Commission for Higher Learning and Education is one of the main accrediting parties.

Future Employment Prospects and Earning Potential of Technical School Graduates

Employment prospects are promising for those who graduate from a technical school, technical institutes, and technical colleges. However it is important to understand that a tech career does have limitations in advancements and growth in a position. Many students who complete technical training, often enroll in a formal training or development program. Technical colleges may lead to enrollment in the program through a college, university, or even with an employer. Technical school graduates may also look forward to immediate job placement with the help of tech school counselors and career planners.

Average salaries for technical school graduates vary based on the program completed and the skill level obtained. If certification or licensing is achieved during the technical education program, this provides students additional advantages as they pursue a tech career. The earning potential for or technical school graduates is limited to entry-level salaries in almost every industry, and career growth is possible as skills and work experience are developed.


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